Dry Cargo

We make one-time trip charters or long-term charters for our logistics solutions. Supreme Bulk Carriers charters all dry bulk carriers from 10,000tons to 80,000tons on demand, and also operates specially designed cargo ships, container ships, ro-ro, and multipurpose ships, in addition to these ships. Our high compass is coal, iron ore, bauxite, scrap, alumina, steel products, wheat, corn, sugar, and fertiliser on the Pacific-Atlantic line, while on the Baltic, Continent, and Mediterranean-Black Sea trade line, steel, grain, project, ro-ro, the wind mill and It covers special design loads.

Pacific – Atlantic

The products Supreme Bulk Carriers carries are bagged cargo, scrap, sugar, grain, steel products, and main minerals such as iron ore, bauxite, coal, etc. For such transportation, We prefer chartering of medium and large tonnage vessels Supramax - Panamax tonnages. The purpose is to optimize getting lower freight for Our valuable customers so that they can expand their businesses easily via us

Far East – Black Sea – Continent

Our loading operation changes cover From the Baltic - the Black Sea to the Far East countries; While doing parcel shipment with vessels between 10.000 dwt tons and 30.000 dwt from the Continental to the Black Sea, The Black Sea shipments are generally agriculture products and we carry Iron ore or Bauxite from EMED to Arabian Gulf, India, Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Taiwan, and also China. All these shipments are made by ships between 30,000 DWT and 80,000 DWT tons.

Our return shipments are mainly from China, Korea, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, India, and Arabian Gulf countries, Urea, Sugar, Fertiliser, plastics, and Steel bulk cargoes.

We are carrying small-sized cargoes by parceling between the Mediterranean and the Continent by loading from Asian countries or India, next to the main cargoes originating from China and Korea.

Project & Parcelling

Project cargo transportation and transporting of more than one shipments on a ship requires an experienced team and serious knowledge. Finding the appropriate vessel, planning the most fitting cargo according to the Loading and discharging sequences, and getting the cargo delivered on time requires a great deal of engineering and critical analytics.

We arrange suitable cargo plans for project cargoes, heavy lifts, military, and other non-standard loads that are too large for a container. With global experience and local know-how, by planning with specialists, Our experts offer tailor-made solutions for you.

We are Supreme at Project shipments because we can carry projects not with specially designed tonnages but also with bulkers


Marshall Islands


P.O. Box 1405 Majuro, Republic Of The Marshall Islands MH 96960

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21 Bukit Batok Crescent #15-76 WCEGA Tower Singapore 658065

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